The didactics of test-driven development

If you are like most software developers, you probably know how to do test-driven development (TDD). Perhaps you have learned it from a book, a tutorial on the web, or at a 1–2 day course or workshop. And frankly, there is not that much involved in picking up the basic idea: it’s simple enough. On the other hand, if you are one of those programmers who work test-first (almost) all the time, you are most...

12.07.2012 » Leif Frenzel

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TDD as a skill and habit

Our goal is to teach test-driven development (TDD) in a way so that it becomes a programming habit, an integral part of how developers work on their software projects. This is an ambitious goal: it goes further than just getting the basic idea across; and it is likely to require a re-thinking of the ways in which TDD has been taught so far. The target audience In order to make TDD into an integral part...

11.07.2012 » Leif Frenzel

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Set-piece play

In football (or soccer, if you’re American), there is a special kind of situation in the game which is called ‘set-piece play’. A direct free kick is a good example: if the game was interrupted after an attacking player has suffered foul play, the attacking team can start the game with a free shot, the ball lying in a resting position. It’s the kind of situation that often leads to scoring; part of the reason...

10.07.2012 » Leif Frenzel

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