Our goal is to teach test-driven development (TDD) in a way so that it becomes a programming habit, an integral part of how developers work on their software projects.

This is an ambitious goal: it goes further than just getting the basic idea across; and it is likely to require a re-thinking of the ways in which TDD has been taught so far.

The target audience

In order to make TDD into an integral part of your daily coding practice, you first need to

  • know what TDD is (understand the basic idea and the TDD cycle)
  • know why you want to do it (understand the benefits of test-first programming)

TDD has been around for so long now that we simply assume these two conditions: our target audience are those developers who have command of the basic ideas (the TDD cycle, and how to use tools such as xUnit), and who are convinced enough of the benefits of test-driven development that they want to seriously integrate it in their coding practice.

The first is probably true of a large majority of programmers in the mainstream object-oriented languages nowadays; and even if you happen to have no idea about the basics of TDD yet, there are plenty of books and web tutorials around where you can pick them up. The second may limit the audience a little more: not everybody may be as convinced of the positive value of test-driven development as we are. If you’re not, you may still be interested to hear about our approach to establishing a development practice, because that approach may be applicable to practices other than TDD as well, possibly practices which you take to be more worthwhile. (In fact, we are currently working on extending this approach to another object-oriented development style, namely, code contracts.)

So this is our intended audience: if you’re a software developer with a basic knowledge of TDD and some belief that it’s a good thing to do it more often, then this site may be of interest to you.

Success conditions

If this was what we simply assume, then now comes the tricky bit — for in order to fully integrate TDD in your daily work, you need also

  • during your everyday coding work, in each concrete situation:
    • remember that you want to write a test case first;
    • know how to do it (given the real-world code base you are facing);
    • have enough time and acceptance in your team for the extra amount of work that it takes.

If any of these conditions is not fulfilled, it won’t happen, even though you know the basic TDD cycle and even though you are convinced of the advantages. More needs to be the case than just that.

Let us break down these three conditions now and take a closer look.

1) In every concrete coding situation you have to remember that you want to start with a test. Since you have presumably written software for years already without necessarily writing test cases first (or without necessarily writing them at all), this is not the first thing that will come to your mind. What comes to your mind first is typically something else: most likely, it’s an implementation idea; that idea will probably pull you into doing an implementation sketch; one thing will lead to another, and you’ll quickly end up with a substantial amount of working code before you even start thinking about tests.

Of course, when you learned about TDD for the first time, you resolved to do it differently. You submitted to the rule that says not to touch production code without a red test. You formed an intention to write your test cases first. But when you sunk back into the daily coding routine, old habits swiftly kicked in and your resolutions were’nt on the forefront of your mind for much longer. It’s not that you didn’t want to do it. From within the middle of things you simple often didn’t remember.

The ability required here is called prospective memory — it’s a specific form of memory where you form an intention to recall something later, and then in fact do recall it at that later time. Here’s an everyday example. In the morning you tell yourself: “When I’m in town today for my lunch break, I must remember to buy some milk in the shop at the corner.” Then you go off into your day. With weak prospective memory, you will likely not remember (after your morning commute, your first half workday, and your lunch break), and you’ll walk by the corner shop thinking of something else entirely. In the evening, when you find yourself without milk, it will suddenly come back. (“Damn, I forgot!”) In contrast, if you have good prospective memory, when you stand up from your lunch table you will find yourself thinking: “Well, and now I’ll walk over to the shop and get that milk.” Needless to say, this capacity, prospective memory, is developed to a different degree in different people; but of course it can also be learned and deliberately improved with some training.

When you want to establish a new programming habit, such as test-driven development, then you need prospective memory. Most of your typical everyday coding situations will be just like hundreds before, and you’ll most likely fall into old working habits just like a hundred times before. Therefore it is an essential first condition for effecting any change that you learn to reliably remember that (and when) you want to do something differently.

2) But even if you do remember, in a given everyday situation when you are working on the code base of your project, that alone won’t be enough. You also need to know how to proceed in that particular situation. What is the strategy for finding good unit test cases here? How do I deal with complicated, obscure, and seemingly untestable code constructs? (The real world is full of those!) Unless you have a very good idea how to proceed, writing a test case will appear to be harder and more effortful than just changing the production code.

Note that this is not about the unit testing tool itself. Books about TDD often stress that “writing tests must be easy, or else you won’t be motivated to do it.” That’s true, and if JUnit (for instance) would be difficult in its use, unwieldy in its syntax, or badly integrated in popular IDEs, then everybody’s motivation to try out TDD would come to a quick death. But the simplicity of the tool is only part of the story. (I have already noted that most programmers easily learn the basics, which means that it works well enough as far as that goes.)

When you are in a real-world situation, facing a real-world software system, it is often difficult and takes some experience to ‘see’ how a test case for a given code passage might look like. You need to develop an eye for these kinds of situations. Chessboard, by Anna Langova Here’s another everyday example: an experienced chess player doesn’t go through all the possible moves for all the pieces on the board, in a given position. She doesn’t need to. The good moves are highly apparent, they rather stand out for her. And it won’t be just single moves. She will probably easily discern entire chains of moves, counter moves, and responses to the counter moves; she will see at a single glance one or two promising strategies she could employ given this position. (Have you ever met a person who looked at a chess board for a few seconds and simply remarked: “Checkmate in three moves”? That’s the kind of skill I mean.) With an untrained eye, you won’t be able to distinguish good and bad moves easily, often you won’t even see all the possible moves. With a well-trained eye, on the other hand, you automatically filter out all the unhelpful moves and focus on the few worth thinking about.

It’s similar with code bases. For the untrained eye (unexperienced in writing unit tests in a realistic scenario) almost every piece of code that wasn’t developed already against unit tests will look untestable. Only with training you will get to the point where you can quickly ‘see’ what a fruitful testing approach would look like.

Therefore, the ease of finding a way to unit-test some code doesn’t merely come from the tool you use, and how easy it (the tool) makes it to write tests. It depends much more on your experience in finding ways to test the code base.

To summarize, then: in addition to remembering that you want to write a test, in a given situation, you also have to know how to do it. You need good prospective memory, and you need an eye for finding test cases.

In the approach that we have developed, we focus on exactly those skills. I have written in [my post on the didactics of TDD] (http://andrena.github.com/reality-tdd/background/2012/07/12/didactics-of-tdd/) that you need to start slow and build up a habit. But you have to build it up facing a realistic code base (not sandbox examples), in order to develop the eye for finding test cases. You start with recognizing certain situations, and then train to find test cases. This works especially well if you focus on a list of common situations (which we have labeled set-play situations), because these situations are comparatively easy to recognize and there is an already proven strategy for dealing with them. Once you have learned to recognize and handle set-piece situations, you just have to integrate them in your daily habits, all along training your prospective memory (for which you can use the catalog of set-piece situations again). That’s our approach in a nutshell.

3) There is a third condition that must be fulfilled: even when you remember to write a test case, and when you know how to do it, you must be free to do so. If your project doesn’t allow it because you don’t get the time or your team mates won’t accept it, then you can’t work in a test-driven way.

This third condition depends mostly on how the software development process in your project works, and this is not a topic for this blog. If you are using Scrum in your project, then one place to discuss a lack of time or acceptance for test-driven development would be the sprint retrospectives. Obviously, the extra amount of time needed for programming tasks done with TDD must be taken into account when your team does its sprint planning. On the positive side, an agile process such as Scrum will provide a good framework to keep TDD as a habit alive — your team might set up small reminders to write unit tests on task cards, or it might help to mention it at the Daily Scrum when a stretch of test-first coding worked particularly well. As always, it’s not just a question of how much your process and environment is there to support you, but also how well you engage them and work with, and not against them.

This post belongs to a three-part introduction to our approach. Read the other parts here:

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